Chipped Tooth Pain; How to Manage It – Troy Family Dental

Chipped Tooth Pain; How to Manage It

Are You Experiencing Chipped Tooth Pain?

Avoid hot or cold food or drinks. If your nerve is exposed, it will be susceptible to changes in temperature. Both hot and cold temperatures will create severe pain. Stop this pain by staying away from hot coffee, tea, soup or other foods. Don’t drink iced drinks or eat ice cream.

Stay away from sweet or acidic foods and drinks. These will induce a nerve to hurt. In addition, they will erode away at the already-damaged enamel of your tooth.

Use over-the-counter pain medicine for chipped tooth pain. Both acetaminophen or ibuprofen can adequately handle the pain that occurs with a chipped or fractured tooth. Most toothaches are produced by swelling of the gum or nerve tissue, so an anti-inflammatory pain reliever will work best.

Gently floss between teeth. Take a bit of dental floss between your two index fingers, and tenderly slide between each tooth. If any food is pushing against your fractured tooth, the floss should remove it.

Use oil-of-cloves or eugenol as an effective natural pain reliever. Apply a minute amount of the oil to a cotton ball, and press the cotton ball onto the painful tooth for about 10 seconds.

To seal the fracture temporarily, get a temporary dental cement from your local drug stores or pharmacies. These short fixes will help cover the fracture in your tooth, which will help with the pain.

Elevating your head when you’re asleep just slightly higher than your heart will help reduce some of the pressure on your chipped or fractured tooth. When the head is placed at the same level or lower as the heart, blood rushes to that region, bringing with it more pressure which results in pain.

Rinsing with warm salt water works as an antibacterial as well as a pain reliever. Dissolve numerous teaspoons of table salt into a cup of warm water many times per day and repeating 3-4 times per application gently rinsing and spitting out the salt water.